Awakening of the Feminine Force of Nature
Welcome to my world.
Here I share inspiration from my life and work regarding; Feminine Yoga and Tantra, Healing and Sacred Touch, Feminine Wisdom and Communion with Nature…
And how to find genuine healing through embracing the totality of Yourself; Body and Soul, Darkness and Light, The Masculine and The Feminine, The Earth and Sky….
Let’s enter into the magic world of the Feminine together!

Free REPLAYS of Full Moon & Sensual Flow
Beautiful Sister, My new online platform is now up and running, and I feel so happy to be able to offer you consistent quality of

Women’s International Day 8/3 2022
Hi Beauty,
I hope you had a beautiful day on Women’s International Day! Did you miss any of my free events that I held that day?
Don’t worry you can take part of them here!

Letting Go of the Old and Inviting the New
How do you consciously move from the old into the new? What kind of rituals do you use?

We are in this together!
I am reflecting back on the many changes I have gone through the past year, and one of the changes being that I am writing to you now.

It’s time to come home sister
It is time to come home sister, to come home to the infinite love of the Earth mama