Letting Go of the Old and Inviting the New

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How do you consciously move from the old into the new? What kind of rituals do you use?

Hi Beautiful One,

I pray that you are well and happy, wherever you are in the world right now. These times are not easy, but I do believe it is a potent time we are in, a potent time for growth and reflection. Right now I am asking myself: What do I want to let go of in my life? What do I want to call in? Where do I find comfort and support? Where do I feel seen, heard and valued as a being? 

I feel the deep need of having time to reflect on what has been and what I am wanting to call in. It is a ritual I always do every month at Full Moon and New Moon. Coming back to these natural rituals following the seasons and the moon really enhances my life.

How do you consciously move from the old into the new? What kind of rituals do you use?

Are you longing to be in a ritual of letting go and inviting the new, but don’t know how?

In my favourite yoga classes of Full Moon and New Moon Yoga & Ritual I share the tools of how I use the New Moon to plant new seeds of prayers and intentions for the coming moon phase. These prayers and intentions are then invited into manifestation through a deeply pleasurable and ecstatic movement & breath practice, circulating life-force through all of your power centers. And at Full Moon we invite the releasing of old stagnant energies and programs to leave our mind and body so that we can receive the luminous light of the full moon into our body and heart.

it is so beautiful and nourishing. Come and join me on the next New Moon and Full Moon.

We are together
We belong to this Earth and Sky

I bow to you and send you all my love, now and always,

Mira Moonya


Women’s International Day 8/3 2022

Hi Beauty,
I hope you had a beautiful day on Women’s International Day! Did you miss any of my free events that I held that day?

Don’t worry you can take part of them here!