It’s time to come home sister

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It is time to come home sister, to come home to the infinite love of the Earth mama

It is time to come home sister

To come home to the infinite love of the Earth mama

Allow her to wrap

Her loving arms around you

Knowing that you are Her

And She is Us

We were never separated

We just lost connection

to this primal connection

Of belonging

And now it is time to remember

We are the ones we have been waiting for

The time is now

You are home sister

I am so happy that you have found your way here to my Website and Journal. I am looking forward to sharing more love, connection and wisdom with you as this website grows…

Love Mira


Women’s International Day 8/3 2022

Hi Beauty,
I hope you had a beautiful day on Women’s International Day! Did you miss any of my free events that I held that day?

Don’t worry you can take part of them here!