Category: Practice


Shakti Yoga Immersion for Women

DATES: 22-28/8 2022. Experience, Embody and Enjoy Shakti – Your Feminine Force of Nature – through Shakti Yoga, Sisterhood, Sensual Awakening and Nature Connection, the 22nd to the 28th of August 2022, at Shambala Gatherings, Sweden.

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Moonya Yoga

Elemental Yoga

DATES TO BE ANNOUNCED. Through the elements we enhance our connection to the natural world and yoga becomes a way to find union with nature and cosmos within and around.

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Full Moon Ritual Yoga

DATES TO BE ANNOUNCED. Come and celebrate the Full Moon through letting go of what no longer serves you. This is a perfect moment to clear out whatever experiences, thoughts, emotions that are blocking you from living your dream.

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Ecstatic New Moon Yoga

DATES TO BE ANNOUNCED. In this New Moon class we will set an intention for our next moon phase, and then we will move and breathe our intention ecstatically through all our chakras in an embodiment ritual

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